Elly Shearman Tennis Coaching; Walking Home Policy

Elly Shearman Tennis Coaching – Walking Home Policy – reviewed 5 Jan 2023

This policy is in place to ensure that all coaches are aware of which children have been given written parental permission to walk home unaccompanied after a coaching session with the Elly Shearman Tennis Coaching program at Kings Lawn Tennis Club.

It is necessary as we are a community program and club and families live close to the tennis courts so do allow their children to walk home unaccompanied.

  • It will be assumed that all children will be picked up by a parent/carer/adult at the end of every
    coaching session.
  • Children cannot walk home alone after a coaching session aged 10 & under.
  • Children will only be able to walk home unaccompanied if written permission is given via e-mail to Elly Shearman (elly@ellyshearmantennis.co.uk). These e-mails are also saved in a folder in case of future question.
  • A list of those children allowed to walk home unaccompanied is in the coaching office so that coaches can refer back and note on registers who has permission.
  • Every September an e-mail will go out to all parents asking for anyone who wants/needs their child to walk home unaccompanied to email in their written permission.
  • Every term – Jan and April a reminder e-mail will go out to parents to check that walk home status has not changed. We will assume no change unless notified.
  • If written permission is given at any time during the year it is assumed to stand until the following September.
  • This ruling stands for holiday camps and Saturday mornings as well. Coaches will not let any child leave unless we have written permission. If a child is saying that they must walk home the coach will call the contact details on file and ensure the child stays at the club. Parents must put permission in writing.

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