Tennis FAQs

Get your tennis questions answered

We have created a series of FAQs which we hope will help you with your query with tennis coaching, our club and booking enquiries.

If these FAQs don’t provide you with the answer you are looking for please contact us.

Coaching, Club & Booking FAQs

Adult Coaching FAQs

We run a very popular adult beginner class called Tennis Xpress, all details can be found here - Tennis Xpress

Yes! Cardio Tennis is for everyone regardless of your tennis level. It is based on footwork and building fitness with coach fed drills, so it doesn’t matter where your shot goes! For more information please click here – Cardio Tennis

It will vary depending on how much you play but as a guide, if you play three times a week your racket should be restrung every three months.
When that time comes, our coach Francois offers a restringing service, more details can be found here – Tennis Racket Restringing

Toddler and Pre-school Class FAQs

Junior Coaching FAQs

It will depend on your child’s age and skill, we will inform you when your child is ready to move to the next group.

At Elly Shearman Tennis Coaching we encourage progression within our sport, we will of course let you know when your child is ready to move up a group. If you have any questions or queries please get in touch.

As a general rule for U10s, if they put the end of the handle in their armpit with the racket running along their arm, they should just be able to touch the end of the racket. By the time children are 11+ they will probably be using a full size 27” racket.

If you are unsure please ask your coach when you next see them and they will be able to advise.

Yes, we are able to support people completing their Duke of Edinburgh Award (DofE), please get in touch with Elly directly.

We are an inclusive club and we want to encourage as many people to play tennis as possible. We have a number of squads for teens but we also offer drop in sessions for teens who just want to play for fun and not commit to a weekly more competitive session. All details can be found here - Pay-as-you go Tennis Sessions

Elly Shearman Tennis Coaching only coaches at Kings Lawn Tennis Club. Our head coach, Elly Shearman is part of the Avon Tennis Coaching team and will coach at different clubs as part of this role.

Yes, we would love to do more curriculum tennis, if your school is interested please feel free to give them our details. However, many schools have multi-sport programs working out of their school or running in their PE lessons and this can sometimes hinder whether they want tennis experts coming in as well.

If these FAQs don’t provide you with the answer you are looking for please contact us.

If these FAQs don’t provide you with the answer you are looking for please contact us.

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