COVID-19 Update and Guidelines

As you can imagine we have adjusted the way we run our individual and small group lessons a bit to ensure we are in line with all the Government guidelines. Please ensure you read all of the below before booking/attending any tennis sessions.

Two key points from the latest LTA guidelines are as follows:

  1. When participating in any tennis activity indoors or outdoors, participants must not mingle in large groups before and/or after the activity, while maintaining social distancing with those for another household at all times. If an organiser is not able to ensure this (including when arriving at or leaving activity or in any breaks or socialising) then such events should not take place. Attendees must avoid social interaction with anyone outside the group they are with, even if they see other people they know, at all times during their visit.
  2. PRE-ATTENDANCE SYMPTOM CHECK. All coaches and participants in your sessions should undergo a preattendance self-assessment for any COVID-19 symptoms using the information on the NHS website before leaving home. No-one should leave home to participate in tennis if they, or someone they live with, has symptoms of COVID -19, currently recognised as any of:
  • A high temperature
  • A new, continuous cough
  • A loss of, or change to, their sense of smell or taste.

Should an individual have demonstrated any such symptoms, they must follow NHS and PHE guidance on self-isolation.

A few key restrictions and guidelines are as follows:

  • Adults please wear masks at the gates, or when standing at a distance in line for pick up or drop off
  • If any children can not adhere to the rules and show this repeatedly we will contact parents. If any child has to be asked to stay on task or follow instructions more than once or twice in a session we will probably ask that the space gets given to someone else. This is because we want to coach and with the guidelines we won’t have tolerance for disruption.
  • Toilets are open in the clubhouse, however we still ask adults and children to only use it when absolutely necessary and for parents to ensure children have been at home before coming to tennis. The door will remain closed as the club wants minimal use of the toilets.
  • We ask that children bring EVERYTHING they need – if they are at the courts for a holiday camp please make sure you bring two bottles of water if they need it. Only in an extreme situation will we allow filling up of water bottles.
  • Adaptations to some drills and the coaches provide feedback/instruction may be needed to ensure social distancing guidelines can be safely adhered to.
  • Players should bring their own rackets (if you don’t have a racket please advise the coach ahead of the session to ensure we can sort one).
  • Please wash your hands before you arrive and as soon as you are home.
  • If it rains bring a raincoat and we can also recommend putting waterproof trousers on!
  • During drop off and pick up please can parents use the lines on the pavements to maintain social distancing and please don’t hang around the gates or entrances. (just added a bullet point)
  • I will email all contacts if we have to make any changes with Government and LTA guidelines.
  • We really appreciate all your help with adhering to these guidelines to ensure we can continue coaching as close to normal as possible for as long as possible.

COVID-19 Communication & Cancellations/Refund Policy; March 2021

Please read the information below before booking onto courses so that you are clear with the policies. I will be checking in with National and LTA (Lawn Tennis Association) updates and guidelines throughout to ensure that we are following all instructions and procedures.

  • An email will be sent out the week before squads/groups begin giving each group the courts that their squad/group will take place on and which gate to enter and leave from. This is to prevent too many people being in/near the clubhouse.
  • As children arrive at a squad/group they will be checked off on the register and also asked if anyone in the household has any COVID-19 symptoms (high temp, new cough, loss of taste/smell). If yes to any of these they will be sent home immediately. Children will be asked to hand sanitise before and after each session and do the same to the grip on their racket. Children will be asked not to touch their face during sessions.
  • If due to COVID-19 and self-isolation (if a Doctors note is provided) your child misses 3+ weeks of squads/groups then please email me and you will be offered a holiday course morning for free to be used within 6 months.
  • If a coach reports symptoms they will be instructed to immediately get tested and stay at home. All groups coached by the coach will be informed. If the coach is tested positive then all those coached by him/her will be informed and asked to self-isolate, get tested and report to us if there is a positive test result. To please report via email.
  • If we have to close or cancel any squads/groups due to COVID-19 I will communicate via email and you will receive a credit to be used on the next term.
  • If we are asked to reduce groups sizes due to COVID-19 back to 5 for example we will try to split our squads/groups in half (most will be 8 children for midweek squads/groups we will bring in an assistant for each group so that there is 4/5 on one court with a coach leading and an assistant. With the split in half we will keep friends together and groups will use separate balls. This will ensure everyone can still have their session but in a more controlled environment.
  • INDIVIDUAL LESSONS; If an individual lesson is booked online you should receive an email confirmation. We expect to have people turn up for lessons on time and cannot be held responsible for reminding people or chasing people if they do not turn up at the start time. If you are going to be late to a lesson please get in touch with us.

For more information and full guidelines from the Lawn Tennis Association please visit here.

To keep up to date with all the latest information please follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Many thanks Elly and the team.

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