Doubles Training
Doubles training for league players – we are mainly a group of women but men are welcome! Players can rally well and place the ball where they want, can volley and serve consistently whilst needing improvement with technique and lots of focus on tactics.

Availability and Booking
If you would like to join this group please contact Elly first for further details before booking.
Prime Video LTA Youth Girls INTRO Course
Adult Coaching FAQs
We run a very popular adult beginner class called Tennis Xpress, all details can be found here - Tennis Xpress
Yes! Cardio Tennis is for everyone regardless of your tennis level. It is based on footwork and building fitness with coach fed drills, so it doesn’t matter where your shot goes! For more information please click here – Cardio Tennis
It will vary depending on how much you play but as a guide, if you play three times a week your racket should be restrung every three months.
When that time comes, our coach Francois offers a restringing service, more details can be found here – Tennis Racket Restringing
Lost property is placed in the foyer in the Kings Tennis Club Clubhouse. Items will be taken to a charity shop on the last Friday of the month so please try to pick up any lost property quickly!