Elly will be representing Great Britain

At The 2022 ITF World Team Championships in Portugal in August

22 Jul 2022 / By Elly Shearman

Elly will be representing Great Britain in tennis world team championships.

We have some fantastically exciting news to share – Elly will be representing GREAT BRITAIN at The 2022 ITF World Team Championships in Portugal in August.

Elly will be part of the over 40s team and will be competing in the doubles competition. For those of you who know Elly, she isn’t one for the limelight but we are so incredibly proud and feel that she is such an inspiration to everyone who is involved with Elly Shearman Tennis Coaching and Kings Tennis club, from the coaches to the junior squads to the toddlers!

We hope you will join us in wishing her the best of luck at the ITF World Team Championships! To find out more please click here. 

The ITF Seniors Tour is a global tennis Tour that provides players aged 30 and over with a high quality and enjoyable competitive experience.

Elly tells us a little bit more: “As you know I LOVE TENNIS! I love coaching, playing…just everything about our wonderful sport. For me competing is such fun, I love being part of the team and testing myself to always improve. To represent my country is always an honor and I can’t wait to get out to Portugal with the team and get on court.

“François, Marli and Lana are coming along to support me and the team, which means the trip is also now a family adventure for us too!”

Need more information?

Contact Elly Shearman Tennis Coaching on
Tel: 07581 237260
Email: elly@ellyshearmantennis.co.uk

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Elly Shearman

Elly Shearman is an adult and children's tennis coach based in Bristol. Passionate about grassroots tennis and enabling everyone to have access to playing the sport whatever their age or ability.

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Elly will be representing Great Britain in tennis world team championships.

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