Elly Shearman Tennis Coaching does not allow children to use mobile phones at any point during sessions on court or in the clubhouse during Holiday Camps, Junior Squads or any other time.
We strive to ensure that all children (anyone under 18) and adults at risk are not exposed to any online material and have an enjoyable tennis experience. If children have mobile phones they need to stay in their bags at all times.
The purpose of this policy is to:
- Protect all children at our sessions being exposed to use of technology (such as mobile phones, tablets, games consoles and the internet).
We recognise that:
- the online world provides everyone with many opportunities; however it can also present risks and challenges
- we have a duty to ensure that all children and adults involved in our organisation are protected from potential harm online
- working in partnership with children, their parents, carers and other organisations is essential to ensure no children use mobile phones during sessions or in the clubhouse
We will seek to keep all children safe by:
- by not allowing any children to use mobile phones at any of our sessions