Elly Shearman Tennis Coaching Newsletter

Our monthly newsletter which will keep you fully up to date with all our news

17 Dec 2020 / By Elly Shearman

Elly Shearman Tennis Coaching in Bristol

We are very excited to let you all know about our NEW Elly Shearman Tennis Coaching Newsletter.

Our hope is to create an engaging and informative newsletter which will be sent out on a monthly basis to everyone who plays with us and at Kings Lawn Tennis Club.

The newsletter will comprise of regular sections, including Tennis at Home, our new Monthly Awards and Meet the Coaches as well as news items, course updates and much more:

Tennis at Home

Every month we will give you simple things to do at home to help your children develop the basic skills they need for tennis and other sports.

Monthly Awards

Each month our coaches will be keeping an eye out for deserved winners of our monthly awards. It may be for most improved, best effort, most positive player – anything the coaches think stands out.

There will be awards for Adult Standout, Junior Standout and Saturday Superstar of the Month.

Meet the Coaches

A regular column where we will be asking one of our coaches for ‘5 things you probably didn’t know about them’.

If you would like to sign up to the newsletter please click here. 

We hope you enjoy reading them each month.

Elly & the team.

Need more information?

Contact Elly Shearman Tennis Coaching on
Tel: 07581 237260
Email: elly@ellyshearmantennis.co.uk

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Elly Shearman

Elly Shearman is an adult and children's tennis coach based in Bristol. Passionate about grassroots tennis and enabling everyone to have access to playing the sport whatever their age or ability.

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Elly Shearman Tennis Coaching in Bristol

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