County Tennis

Have you ever wanted to know more about County Tennis? Would it suit your child?

05 Nov 2021 / By Elly Shearman

County Tennis team results for Avon tennis

Have you ever wanted to know more about County Tennis? Would it suit your child?

I (Elly) would like to explain all about County Tennis. I am an Avon County Coach and as most of you know my passion is about getting as many children involved in tennis as possible. County training is a great opportunity to train with other children who are keen, able and love tennis as well as it being indoors which is a special treat in the winter!

Each year we nominate children from the Elly Shearman Coaching Programme for the county trials around October time. We send bigger numbers to the U8s and U9s as children who have really engaged and committed to tennis at a slightly later stage and reaching a good enough level to attend the trials.

We are so proud that we have over 14 children already attending county training across the age groups. This year we have two who have secured a place in to the U9s, for those who missed out this year will have a good chance next year with a bit more time and commitment. We had 7 children in the U8 age group trials, again with a few didn’t quite make the squads but we are very confident will next year!

Is your child ready for County Level?

I thought I would explain a bit about reaching County Level. Children have to be able to serve, rally and score to attend the trials. For U10 and above children are expected to be in coach training at least twice a week and will usually have an individual lesson to ensure correct technique is being developed. To have a good chance of getting in they need to have developed some key technical points and have an understanding of the game of tennis.

To continue to stay in County training and keep up with the County level we would always suggest attending two squads a week and have an individual lesson. To stay in County training there is also an expectation to be regularly competing all year round.

Want to find out more?

If your child and you as parents are interested in this being a possibility for your child in the future please get in touch and ask questions!

Need more information?

Contact Elly Shearman Tennis Coaching on
Tel: 07581 237260

Elly Shearman

Elly Shearman is an adult and children's tennis coach based in Bristol. Passionate about grassroots tennis and enabling everyone to have access to playing the sport whatever their age or ability.

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County Tennis team results for Avon tennis

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